Episode 55 | Latina/o Prosperity w/ Sergio C. Muñoz

Season #2

In this episode of Our Classroom, Sergio C. Muñoz joins me to Latina/o Prosperity. In addition, he shares his educational journey including the challenges he experienced growing up in Southern California in the 80s, particularly as it relates to lack of Mexican representation in literature.

Classroom Notes

1. The changing face of America and Latina/o prosperity

2. To be financially free or not to be?

3. The way capitalism shows up in our communities

Welcome to Our Classroom!

Sergio C. Muñoz is a Mexican banker living in Floral Park, CA. He is the owner of Intelatin, LLC. His work has been published on PBS and in ReVista, the Harvard Review of Latin America, Studio 360 and México ¿Cómo Vamos? He can be reached at smunoz(@)intelatin(dot)com.


Twitter - @Intelatin

LinkedIn - Sergio C. Muñoz