Professional Development
We believe that professional development should incorporate meaningful strategies for teachers, help build effective practices, reflect the mission and vision of the school, and most importantly keep the students at the center.
Invite us to speak on these topics:
- anti racist and anti bias teaching approaches
- culturally sustaining pedagogy & instruction
- holistic curriculum development
- the state of US education and justice focused education
- literacy practices and strategies for k-12
- curriculum audits, text selection, and racialized imaginations
- Textured Teaching®
- writing for healing, community, and freedom
Keep in mind we also engage in workshops that are student-facing. We love working with young people! For those sessions, we do poetry workshops, education workshops, and facilitate conversations on topics of justice.
We are represented by Authors Unbound.
Sessions & Workshops
Education for Social Justice
Writing in Community
Inclusivity Classroom Audit
Revisiting the Canon & Counterstorytelling
The Anti Racist Teacher Series Sessions & Workshops
The Course
The Workshop
Textured Teaching® Keynotes & Workshops
Interested in learning more about our workshops?
Contact UsCoaching & Support
We believe that feedback and support are essential to equipping ourselves. A prepared educator is effective in the classroom and the larger school community and can help students to reach and achieve their goals.
Get In Touch