Episode 94 | Multilingual Speakers in the U.S. Pt. 2 w/ Lorena Germán

Season #2

Today, we delve deeper into the experiences and challenges faced by multilingual speakers in the U.S., specifically focusing on students of color. Returning guest, Lorena Germán, joins host Roberto to explore the systemic undervaluing of these students within our current education system. They examine a range of dynamic strategies that schools and districts can apply to better support, celebrate, and sustain bilingualism and the mother tongues of students. From having multilingual signs and resources to engaging proactive community inclusivity, this discussion will shed light on practical measures to transform educational environments. Join as they build on these insights and consider how educators and administrators can effectively embrace linguistic diversity, drawing from both theory and lived experiences.

Professional Development

Speaking Engagements

Original Post - Multilingual Speakers in the U.S. 

Resources - Textured Teaching  En Comunidad