Gifting Books & Making Them Fun
Mar 26, 2021Sharing books with children is one of the best gifts we can offer. It builds relationships, literacy, and a love of learning, among other things. Sometimes turning the book gifts into something fun and active can be tricky. One time, a friend gifted my son the book Jabari Jumps along with a bathing suit. Now, he doesn’t need extra reading motivation at this point, but it really made that book his favorite. It was the cutest idea! It also gave me inspiration for this blog. Next time there’s a birthday of a child in your life, try one of these paired gifts below.
Jabari Jumps by Cornwall paired with a bathing suit, a pool toy, or sunblock.
Princess Truly by Greenawalt paired with hair ties and a stuffed dinosaur.
Milo Imagines the World by Peña paired with a notebook or drawing pad and some crayons, color pencils, or markers.

Mae Among the Stars by Ahmed paired with a science activity toy, stuffed planets, or a stuffed rocketship.
Pink is for Boys by Pearlman paired with a toy that teaches about colors.
Mommy’s Khimar by Thompkins-Bigelow paired with a beautiful scarf. We recommend this gift set for those who are practicing Muslims only.
Rapunzel by Perkins paired with one or more multicultural dolls.
Jabari Tries by Cornwall paired with a construction or building toy set.
My Papi Has a Motorcycle by Quintero paired with a toy motorcycle.

A Sled for Gabo by Otheguy paired with a fuzzy hat & gloves.
Saving American Beach by King paired with a craft using seashells and beach-inspired elements.
Jayden’s Impossible Garden by Mangal paired with a small plant for the child to care for.
Considering purchasing the books from our BookShop list here and enjoy gifting books!
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